Friday, March 17, 2017

Sweet Beginnings Do Arise

Hey-oh! First post in 2017! Time to get this blog caught up with what's happening in my life because one of the main reasons that I keep a blog is that... I like looking back at my old entries.

Day one of the new year, my Dad and I went to a mountain resort for brunch. 

I also got to try snow tubing for the first time which was so fun my beanie flew off my head (thank goodness it wasn't my eyeglasses!)

Jan 21. I'm not one for making New Year's Resolution but coincidentally since this year started and since I survived going on a long drive for the first time alone last year, I went to more places! Mostly museums and galleries in Philadelphia, Maryland and New York --more on that later! Going on long drives is now one of my favorite things to do to chill. Hehe

Kickstarted my Goodreads challenge! I only read 6 books last year and my challenge was to read 16. I am now on my 6th of 15 books and I am ahead right now but I haven't been reading again so... whoops! We'll see.

Feb 23. I love my new hair! and other people seem to like it too! I was sort of worried that I'll look like a kindergartner but people have commented that I look more mature and confident. Syempre naniwala naman ako. Haha

The latest news that I have is from this week. Winter storm started Monday night through Tuesday afternoon. After working 12 hour shifts on the weekend, I checked in at a hotel near the hospital where I work. The night was paid for by our company which was considerate of them! They even drove us to work and gave us free breakfast. I know, right?!

Here's my car hiding in snow!

That's all I have for this post! More, definitely more entries to follow! Life's good. 


  1. Love your new haircut, I think it looks really chic! :)

    Jenny // Geeky Posh

  2. Love, love, love your new haircut! I think I've told you that in twitter before hehe. Man, I can't wait to experience snow myself. Hopefully this year!

    xo, Richel V.

    1. Thank you, Richel! Snow's fun if you play with it! Shoveling snow just to go to work is another story. Haha

  3. I LOVE YOUR HAIR TOO! I don't know, you look way younger and carefree? Haha I don't exactly know how to describe it but it's fab and awesome! :)

    Ochi | Ochi In The City

    1. THANK YOU! It makes me feel like a different person but at the same time not. Haha!



This blog contains writings, musings and other distractions from the desk of Michelle B.